Saturday, August 28, 2010

Keystone Light

Coors Brewing Company
Keystone Light
Golden, Colorado
July 2010, can, 4.2 abv


Smells like corn and sulphur...just what you want your beer to smell like.


Extremely fizzy, pale yellow with a large head that disappeared quickly.

The "Unsmooth Moments" on the can are not funny.


Almost no taste with lots of fizz and a little corn flavor.

I had one of these thrown to me in the pool from the 3rd level of the beach house. The only way I could have enjoyed it less is if it would have hit me in the eye.

This is a cheap beer whose sole purpose is to get you drunk. If that's all you want, go for it.


Keith Stone? Really? That's the best they could come up with? At least Budweiser gives us Clydesdales that kick field goals, cool frogs, funny talking lizards and the whassup guys.



  1. I couldn't agree more about Keystone's role in the beer universe: Gettin' ye drunk.

    I have to disgree on the whole Keith Stone thing. He's the perfect counter point to that "Most Interesting Man in the World" character some other beer has and he kicks the crap out of those computer enhanced, four-legged manure spreaders that Bud uses...maybe the frogs were just about as cool as Keith Stone.

    Glad the beer didn't hit you in the eye, by the way. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment.

    I think I would rather have a beer with "The Most Interesting Man in the World" than Keith Stone. He seems kind of creepy. And, I would rather have a Dos Equis than a Keystone Light any day of the week.
