Monday, July 4, 2011

Shackamaximum Imperial Stout

Philadelphia Brewing Company
Shackamaximum Imperial Stout
Philadelphia, PA
7/4/2011, bottle, 10.0 abv


Strong roasted malt and a hint of black shoe polish.


Deep, dark brown with very little light penetration and a 1/2" light brown head.


Taste is moderatly sweet, moderatley bitter with some chocolate, vanilla, coffee and molassas.The 10% abv is noticeable, but not objectionable.


Not very complex for an impy, and somewhat thin, but overall, not bad at all.

For those wondering what the name means, here is what is printed on the bottle: "In 1682 William Penn signed a treaty with the Native American leaders of the Shackamaxon village, which later became the district of Kensington, where our brewery is located today."


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