Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Row House Red

Philadelphia Brewing Company
Row House Red
Philadelphia, PA
8/4/2009, bottle, 5.0 abv


Aroma is malty and a little floral with some toffee.


Dark copper red with a moderate off white head that lasted for a few sips.


Taste was very nice with some sweet caramel malt, brown sugar and toffee and a moderate bitter hop finish. The rye was barely noticeable but worked well with the other flavors. Overall, smooth and creamy and easy to drink. Too bad I only had one before the vultures arrived and picked the cooler clean.


Another nice selection from the PBC variety pack named for things Philadephian. Rumor has it that the original name for this one was "Crack House Red", but cooler heads prevailed.


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