Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fuller's London Porter

Fuller, Smith & Turner
Fuller's London Porter
London, England
11/18/2009, on tap at Frisco Grille, 5.4 abv


Very faint whiff of crushed Whoppers. The malted milk balls, not the hamburger...that would just be gross.


Poured deep black, but when held up to the flat screen showing a sorry NBA game, it revealed some mahogany highlights around the edge. Does anyone really care about the NBA?


No disappointment here. Roasted malt, cocoa, a hint of vanilla and licorice and just a whiff of smoke. Rich, smooth and creamy.


The best porter I have had to date.



  1. The NBA: Grown men playing a child's playground game. (Switch to NASCAR, the only sport that takes two balls.)

    Porter: Have you tried Deschutes Black Butte Porter? I think you'll like it. Meanwhile, I've got to find this Fuller's Porter.

  2. I watch 2 races a year...Daytona 500 and Indy 500. Much more entertaining than the NBA...and fewer tattoos, except on the women.

    I have not tried Deschutes BBP...will look for it next time I am at the beer store. Thanks for the tip.
