Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Green Flash West Coast IPA

Green Flash Brewing Company
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Vista, California
9/18/2010, on tap at Frisco Grille, 7.3 abv


A wonderful combination of grapefruity citrus and pine that lets your taste buds know exactly what's coming.


Bright, orangish amber with a 1/4" head with some nice, sticky lacing.


A delicious, grapefruit and pine needle hop bomb with just enough malt to counteract the bitter finish. Tons of flavor and it's all good. Very clean, crisp and easy to drink.


Great in a bottle, awesome on tap. My favorite IPA to date.

This beer shredded my taste buds and ruined a perfectly good Stone Levitation afterwards.

On an unrelated subject, can anyone name the announcer that came up with the Green Weenie?



  1. Hi, Bob.

    Love the reviews. Makes my "Around the World" status with Mr. Dunderbak's and European Street seem a bit insignificant, but I appreciate the inspiration to track down more new flavors.

    Ah, yes. The green weenie. That was what pirates used to shake, in the days before women waved their babushkas at them.

    Actually, I had to look it up even though I'd heard it back in the 60's. I had the basic connotation right, but didn't know about Bob Prince giving that name to a green rattle "talisman".

    Arthur Teige
    Jax, FL

  2. Thanks for the nice comment.

    Bob Prince was one of a kind. He was a lot more interesting than today's announcers that just spout stats all day.

    I remember "Chicken on the Hill with Will".
